Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and first, no moon, terrestrial planet and smallest planet of solar system. it revolve the sun faster than all the other planets, which is why Romans named it after their swift-footed messenger god. The Sumerians also knew of Mercury since at least 5,000 years ago. It was often associated with Nabu, the god of writing . Mercury was also given separate names for its appearance as both a morning star and as an evening star. Greek astronomers knew, however, that the two names referred to the same body, and Heraclitus, around 500 B.C., correctly thought that both Mercury and Venus orbited the sun, not Earth. NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft orbited Mercury for more than four years. this spacecraft is launch by Delta 7925H And it 1,107.9 kilograms Among its accomplishments, the mission determined Mercury’s surface composition, revealed its geological history, discovered details about it...
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