
What is space?

Space is area where is possibility of atmosphere is very less. It is mainly a vacuum. in space no one cannot hear a sound waves because sound need medium to travel but space is vacuum where no air is present

outer space begins about 100 km above the Earth where the shell of air around a planet, disappears as result there is no air  scattering of the sun light  which appears the sky blue not happen, and the blue sky becomes dark sky.

Space usually regarded as completely vacuum but it is not true there is vast gaps between stars and planet are filled with huge amount of gas, dark matter(not discovered having possibility discover)  and dust Even the emptiest parts of space contain at least a few hundred atoms or molecules per cubic metre.   

Space also consist radiation like x rays, gamma rays, infrared rays, cosmic rays and uv rays which is harmful for astronauts much of radiation like infrared rays and uv rays come our solar system sun other high energy rays like cosmic rays, gamma rays and x rays (particles travelling close to the speed of light) are arrived from distant solar system or star system





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